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Table 1 Paediatric shock definitions

From: Implications for paediatric shock management in resource-limited settings: a perspective from the FEAST trial


Clinical definition


Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS)

Compensated: normal blood pressure (BP), but capillary refill time (CRT) >2 s, mottled, cool peripheries, peripheral cyanosis. Decompensated: as above but with hypotension, decreased mental status

Definition of hypotension is separate to shock definition

Peripheral cyanosis is rare

American Academy of Critical Care Medicine – Paediatric Advanced Life Support (ACCM-PALS)

Clinical signs of inadequate perfusion including any of: decreased or altered mental status; CRT >2 s (cold shock) or flash CRT (warm shock), diminished (cold shock) or bounding (warm shock) peripheral pulses, mottled cool extremities (cold shock), or decreased urine output (<1 ml/kg/h)

No specific definition of altered/decreased mental status

World Health Organization (WHO)

Triad of cold hands and/or feet (temperature gradient), CRT >3 s and weak and fast pulse

Tachycardia not defined alongside shock definition

Fluid Expansion As A Supportive Therapy (FEAST) study

History of fever and temperature ≥37.5 °C or <36.0 °C and impaired consciousness (prostration or coma) and/or respiratory distress

Stratum A (impaired perfusion)

Plus ≥1 of: CRT >2 s; lower limb temperature gradient; weak pulse; tachycardia (defined)

Stratum B (decompensated shock)

Systolic BP <50 mmHg if < 12 months old; <60 mmHg if 1–5 years old; <70 mmHg if > 5 years old