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Table 1 Characteristics of studies that have used animal models relevant to the critically ill patient population

From: Renal autoregulation and blood pressure management in circulatory shock





Key findings

Adams et al. 1980 [46]


Ischemia/reperfusion (clamp time 90 min)


Diminished autoregulatory efficiency at 18 h

Matthys et al. 1983 [47]


Ischemia/reperfusion (clamp time 45 min)


Loss of autoregulation at 48 h and 7 days after clamping

Williams et al. 1981 [48]


Ischemia/reperfusion (clamp time 60–90 min)


Attenuated autoregulatory reserve at 18 to 24 h after clamping. Strong negative correlation autoregulatory index and inulin clearance

Verbeke et al. 1998 [49]


Ischemia/reperfusion (clamp time 40 min)


Renal autoregulation lost at 2 and 24 h after clamping. Ketanserin partially restored autoregulation at 24 but not at 2 h

Conger et al. 1991 [50]


Ischemia/reperfusion by clamping or NE-infusion (clamp time 75 min; NE at 0.6 μg/kg/min for 90 min)


Impaired autoregulatory efficiency at 1 week, worse with NE vs clamping

Conger et al. 1994 [51]


4-h MAP reduction by phlebotomy, 1 week after ischemia/reperfusion by clamping or NE-infusion (clamp time 75 min; NE at 0.6 μg/kg/min for 90 min)


Impaired autoregulatory efficiency, worse with clamping vs NE, associated with functional and structural deficits

Guan et al. 2006 [52]


Ischemia/reperfusion by unilateral or bilateral clamping for 30 or 60 min



Rhee et al. 2012 [32]


Hemorrhagic shock; stepwise MAP reductions from 80 to 60, 45, and 40 mmHg


Early passive pressure–flow relationship between blood pressure and RBF suggests loss of renal before cerebral autoregulation

Burban et al. 2013 [57]


Cecal ligation and puncture. Reconstruction of autoregulatory curve using MAP reductions by acute bleeding


Renal autoregulation unaffected by sepsis, with or without NE

Nitescu et al. 2010 [58]


Endotoxemia by LPS bolus infusion. Dynamic analysis of renal autoregulation


Reduced transfer gain values in TGF-associated frequency range after 16 h, which normalized with angiotensin II receptor antagonism

  1. NE norepinephrine, LPS lipopolysaccharide, MAP mean arterial pressure, TGF tubuloglomerular feedback, RBF renal blood flow