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Table 1 Clinical and demographic data of patients

From: Blind bedside postpyloric placement of spiral tube as rescue therapy in critically ill patients: a prospective, tricentric, observational study


Values in total study sample

(n = 127)

Age, years

60 (48–72)

Gender (male)

86 (67.7)

Preexisting diseases


27 (21.3)

 Diabetic mellitus

9 (7.1)

 Previous gastrointestinal surgery

4 (3.1)

Primary diagnosis


53 (41.7)


36 (28.4)


15 (11.8)

 Multiple trauma

14 (11.0)


5 (3.9)


2 (1.6)


2 (1.6)

Use of sedatives or analgesics

22 (11.0)

Use of vasopressors

10 (7.9)

Mechanical ventilation

66 (52.0)


18 (13–23)

SOFA score

10 (8–12)

AGI grade

 Without AGI

5 (3.9)


11 (8.7)


92 (72.4)


19 (15.0)

  1. Quantitative variables are presented as median (IQR) and qualitative variables as number (percentage)
  2. APACHE II acute physiology and chronic health evaluation II, SOFA sequential organ failure assessment, AGI acute gastrointestinal injury, SD standard deviation, IQR interquartile range