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Table 1 Characteristics of the patients (N = 61)

From: Implementing a bedside assessment of respiratory mechanics in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome



Male sex, n (%)

48 (78.7)

Age, years

56 [45–68]

Predicted body weighta, kg

68 ± 11

Body mass index, kg/m2

29 ± 7

APACHE II score at admissionb

28 ± 10

SOFA score at inclusionc

12 ± 4

Days of NIV prior to intubation, n

0 [0–1]

Days of IMV at inclusiond, n

2 [1–6]

Days of ARDS at inclusiond, n

0 [0–1]

Risk factors of ARDSe, n (%)



32 (52.5)

 Extrapulmonary sepsis

9 (14.8)


9 (14.8)

 Noncardiogenic shock

7 (11.5)


5 (8.2)


4 (6.6)

 Pulmonary contusion

3 (4.9)

 Pulmonary vasculitis

2 (3.3)

 Drug overdose

2 (3.3)

 Blood transfusion

1 (1.6)

 No risk factor

4 (6.6)

Severity of ARDS, n (%)



9 (14.8)


39 (63.9)


13 (21.3)

Patients treated with ECMO

3 (4.9)

Patients with tracheostomy

9 (14.8)

Days of IMV after inclusion, n

9 [4–20]

Duration of IMV, days

12 [7–24]

  1. Abbreviations: APACHE Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation, ARDS Acute respiratory distress syndrome, ECMO Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, IMV Invasive mechanical ventilation, NIV Noninvasive ventilation, SOFA Sepsis-related Organ Failure Assessment
  2. Dichotomous or nominal categorical variables are described in number (percent); continuous variables are described as mean ± SD or median [IQR], as appropriate
  3. aPredicted body weight of male patients was calculated as 50 + 0.91 × (centimeters of height − 152.4) and that of female patients as 45.5 + 0.91 × (centimeters of height − 152.4)
  4. bAPACHE II score at intensive care unit admission
  5. cSOFA score at day of patient assessment (i.e., the day the patient was measured)
  6. dThe days receiving IMV before inclusion and the days of ARDS identification before inclusion, respectively
  7. ePatients can have more than one risk factor. The sum of the percent is hence >100%