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Table 5 Results of swallowing screening (N = 187 patients)

From: Nurse-performed screening for postextubation dysphagia: a retrospective cohort study in critically ill medical patients

Swallowing screen

Number of patients

Passed, n (%)

Failed, n (%)

Missed, n (%)

Day 1 result only


115 (61.5)

67 (35.8)

5a (2.7)

Day 2 result only


28 (38.4)

16 (21.9)

29b (39.7)

Day 3 result only


1 (2.3)

6 (13.6)

37c (84.1)

Overall result


143d (76.5)

42e (22.5)

2f (1.1)

  1. a Missed the swallowing screen on day 1
  2. b Missed the swallowing screen on day 2
  3. c Missed the swallowing screen on day 3
  4. d One patient who passed on day 1, had a repeat test of day 2 and passed
  5. e Did not pass the swallowing screen and had at least 1 day of screening
  6. f Missed all 3 days of screening