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Table 1 Demographics and baseline characteristics of patients (n = 32)

From: The impairment of small nerve fibers in severe sepsis and septic shock

Parameter Statistic


Sociodemographic data

 Age, years, median, mean (IQR)

69, 67.41 (61.50–77.25)

 Male gender, number (%)

19 (59.4)

 Body mass index, kg/m2, mean ± SD

27.50 ± 5.04

Clinical data

 APACHE II scorea, mean ± SD

23.38 ± 5.73

 Septic shock, number (%)

25 (78.1)

 History of diabetes, number (%)

13 (40.6)

 Heart failure, number (%)

5 (15.6)

 Cerebrovascular disease, number (%)

15 (46.9)

 Renal dysfunction, number (%)

3 (9.4)

 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, number (%)

4 (12.5)

 Liver cirrhosis, number (%)

0 (0.0)

 History of cancerb, number (%)

2 (6.3)

 Immunosuppressionc, number (%)

4 (12.5)

 Recent surgical history


  Elective surgery, number (%)

2 (6.3)

  Emergency surgery, number (%)

8 (25.0)

  No history of surgery, number (%)

22 (68.8)

Site of infection (multiple responses per patient possible)

 Pneumonia, number (%)

20 (62.5)

 Other respiratory tract, number (%)

3 (9.4)

 Intraabdominal/gastrointestinal, number (%)

6 (18.8)

 Bones/soft tissue, number (%)

0 (0.0)

 Surgical wound infection, number (%)

0 (0.0)

 Urogenital, number (%)

1 (3.1)

 Primary bacteremia, number (%)

1 (3.1)

 Cardiovascular, number (%)

1 (3.1)

 Others (central nervous system, thoracal, catheter, etc.), number (%)

4 (12.5)

Source of infection

 Community acquired, number (%)

9 (28.1)

 Nosocomial, number (%)

23 (71.9)



 Microbiologically confirmed, number (%)

27 (84.4)

 Clinical evidence, number (%)

5 (15.6)

Mortality, length of stay, mechanical ventilation, renal replacement

 ICU mortality, number (%)

2 (6.3)

 Hospital mortality, number (%) (95 % CI)

5 (15.6) (6.86; 31.75)

 Length of stay on ICU, calendar days, median (IQR)

24.5 (17–30.25)

 Length of stay in hospital, calendar days, median (IQR)

29 (24–48.5)

 Mechanical ventilation, number (%)

31 (96.9)

 Days with mechanical ventilationd, median (IQR)

20.5 (14–29)

 Renal replacement therapy, number (%)

5 (15.6)

 Days with renal replacement therapy, median (IQR)

18 (18–20)

  1. aMissing subscores counted as 0. bAt least one of leukemia, hematologic malignancy and malignant lymphoma. cAt least one of cytostatic therapy, radiation, immunosuppression and steroids. dIf not mechanically ventilated, counted as 0 days. APACHE Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation