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Table 3 Comparisons between hemodialysis sessions with and without hypotension

From: Prevalence and risk factors of hypotension associated with preload-dependence during intermittent hemodialysis in critically ill patients


No hypotension during session

Hypotension during session

(n = 46)

(n = 61)


70 [64–79]

67 [58–78]

Male gender

38 (83 %)

47 (77 %)


53 [40–62]

53 [37–60]

Reasons for PiCCO® monitoring

 • Septic shock

30 (65 %)

34 (56 %)

 • Cardiogenic shock

7 (15 %)

10 (16 %)

 • Other

9 (20 %)

17 (28 %)

Time between ICU admission and IHD session (day)

20 [12–34]

16 [9–29]

SOFA score at the day of IHD session

7 [6–9]

10 [8–11]

Mechanical ventilation at IHD session onset

18 (39 %)

21 (34 %)

Inotrope at IHD session onset

7 (15 %)

2 (3 %)

Vasopressor at IHD session onset

20 (43 %)

33 (54 %)

Vasopressor dose at IHD session onset (μ

0 [0–0.10]

0.04 [0–0.19]

Heart rate at IHD session onset (min-1)

89 [80–98]

90 [81–98]

MAP at IHD session onset (mm Hg)

78 [71–83]

72 [67–79]

CVP at IHD session onset (mm Hg)

9 [7–13]

8 [5–11]

CI at IHD session onset (L.min-1.m-2)

3.7 [3.0–3.9]

3.4 [2.8–4.0]

ISVR at IHD session onset (

1561 [1366–1907]

1501 [1262–1764]

EVLWI at IHD session onset ( PBW)

8.2 [6.1–10.9]

7.7 [6.0–9.7]

PVPI at IHD session onset

1.5 [1.2–2.0]

1.6 [1.4–2.0]

Preload dependence at IHD session onset

1 (2 %)

4 (7 %)

Arterial lactates (mmol.L-1)

1.4 [1.1–1.8]

1.4 [1.1–1.8]

Elevated lactates above upper laboratory limit (2.2 mmol.L-1)

4 (9 %)

10 (16 %)

Duration of IHD sessions (min)

240 [240–240]

240 [240–250]

Total fluid removal during IHD session (mL)

3000 [2162–3370]

2400 [1670–3200]

Fluid removal per hour during IHD session (mL.H-1)

756 [541–820]

575 [400–829]

Dialyzer blood flow rate at IHD session onset (L.min-1)

250 [250–270]

250 [250–275]

Dialysate flow at IHD session onset (mL.min-1)

500 [500–600]

500 [500–700]

Dialysate temperature at IHD session onset (°C)

36 [36–36]

36 [36–36]

Dialysate sodium concentration at IHD session onset (mmol.L-1)

145 [141–148]

145 [145–150]

  1. Data are medians [first quartile – third quartile] or number (percentage)
  2. CI cardiac index, CVP central venous pressure, MAP mean arterial pressure, EVLWI extravascular lung water, IHD intermittent hemodialysis, ISVR indexed systemic vascular resistance, PBW predicted body weight, PVPI pulmonary vascular permeability index, SAPS II Simplified Acute Physiology Score II, SOFA Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score
  3. p < 0.05 between groups