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Table 3 Summary of prespecified adverse events recorded in the ICU

From: Outcomes of patients admitted to intensive care units for acute manifestation of small-vessel vasculitis: a multicenter, retrospective study


Data (N = 82 patients)

Neutropeniaa <1500/mm3

9 (11)

Delay between cyclophosphamide administration and neutropeniaa <500/mm3, days

16 (2–25)

Number of patients with infection

25 (30)



 Urinary tract

2 (8)


15 (60)


4 (16)


4 (16)

 Bacterial source



3 (12)


16 (64)


1 (4)

 No pathogen identified

5 (20)

 Delay between ICU admission and first infection event, days

13.0 (4.5–19.75)

 Number of patients with septic shock

13 (16)

Number of patients presenting with hemorrhagic syndrome

57 (69)

 Number of packed red blood cells infused during ICU stay

4.0 (0–7.5)

 Delay between ICU admission and first hemorrhagic event, days

1.0 (0–5.0)

Cause of death in ICU



4 (31)

 Disease flare

9 (69)

  1. ICU intensive care unit
  2. Data are presented as number (%) or median (interquartile range)
  3. aMissing data: 2
  4. bVirus