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Table 1 Predictive features and their calculations

From: Combining multiple ECG features does not improve prediction of defibrillation outcome compared to single features in a large population of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests


Predictive feature


Time domain

Mean slope (MS)

\( \frac{f_s}{N-1}{\displaystyle \sum_{i=2}^N\left|{x}_i-{x}_{i-1}\right|} \)

Median slope (MdS)

median(xi − xi − 1)fs

Amplitude range (AR)

max(xi) − min(xi)

Signal integral (SignInt)

\( {\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^N\left|{x}_i\right|} \)

Average peak-to-peak amplitude (PPA)

\( \frac{1}{L}{\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^L\left( \max \left({x}_{i,L}\right)- \min \left({x}_{i,L}\right)\right)} \)

Root mean square (RMS)

\( \sqrt{\frac{1}{N}{\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^N{\left({x}_i-\overline{x}\right)}^2}} \)

Frequency domain

Amplitude spectral area (AMSA)

\( {\displaystyle \sum_{j=1}^M{A}_j{f}_j} \)

Power spectrum analysis (PSA)

\( {\displaystyle \sum_j{P}_x\left({f}_j\right)\cdot {f}_j} \)

Max power (MP)

\( \underset{j}{ \max}\left({P}_x\left({f}_j\right)\right) \)

Peak frequency (PF) or dominant frequency

\( \underset{j}{ \arg \max}\left({P}_x\left({f}_j\right)\right) \)

Centroid frequency (CF)

\( \frac{{\displaystyle \sum_j{f}_j\cdot {P}_x\left({f}_j\right)}}{{\displaystyle \sum_j{P}_x\left({f}_j\right)}} \)

Energy (EG)

\( {\displaystyle \sum_j{P}_x\left({f}_j\right)} \)


Spectral flatness measure (SFM)

\( \frac{ \exp \left(\frac{1}{M}{\displaystyle \sum_j \ln \left({P}_x\left({f}_j\right)\right)}\right)}{\frac{1}{M}{\displaystyle \sum_j{P}_x\left({f}_j\right)}} \)

Wavelet energy (WE)

\( {\displaystyle \sum_j\left|{W}_x\left({c}_j\right)\right|} \)

Spectrum entropy (SPE)

\( \hbox{-} {\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^L\left[\left(\frac{{\displaystyle \sum_{f_{j,L}}{P}_x\left({f}_{j,L}\right)}}{{\displaystyle \sum_j{P}_x\left({f}_j\right)}}\right)\cdot { \log}_2\left(\frac{{\displaystyle \sum_{f_{j,L}}{P}_x\left({f}_{j,L}\right)}}{{\displaystyle \sum_j{P}_x\left({f}_j\right)}}\right)\right]} \)

Hurst index (Hu)

\( \frac{ \log \left[R(i)/S(i)\right]}{ \log (i)} \)

  1. xi (i = 1,2,…, N) represented samples of ECG segment x(t) in time domain with sampling rate fs, and mean value \( \overline{x} \). Aj indicated the amplitude of Fourier transform of x(t) at frequency fj (j = 1,2,…, M). Px(fj) specified samples power spectral density of x(t) at frequency fj. Wx(cj) represented samples of high-band coefficients of wavelet transform of x(t). L in PPA indicated L subintervals; L in SPE indicated L frequency bands. Function R(·) was taken as the difference between the maximum and minimum deviation from time period "i". Function S(·) calculated the standard deviation for time period "i"