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Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of the enrolled patients

From: Integration of metabolic and inflammatory mediator profiles as a potential prognostic approach for septic shock in the intensive care unit


ICU control patients

Septic shock patients

Number of patients



Males : Females (n)

15 : 5

20 : 17

Age (years)

65.5 (55.5–71)

62 (56–73)

Admission APACHE*

14 (12.5–16.5)

23 (16–31)

Admission SOFA

8 (4.5–9)

9 (5.0–12)

Primary ICNARC code (n)

CABG for acute crescendo or unstable angina: 9

Septic shock: 26

CABG for chronic angina: 4

Bacterial pneumonia: 4

CABG for acute myocardial infarction: 2

Small bowel infarction due to herniation, volvulus or adhesions: 1

Spinal stenosis: 2

Cor pulmonale: 1

Chronic angina: 1

Primary peritonitis: 1

Traumatic rupture or laceration of spleen: 1

Infective arthritis: 1

Burns: 1

Inhalation pneumonitis (gastrointestinal contents): 1

Cystitis, pyocystis or urethritis: 1

Appendicitis or appendix abscess: 1

Length of ICU stay* (days)

1.6 (1.0–2.5)

5.5 (3.1–9.9)

Patients with organ insufficiency* (n, %)

1 (5%)

11 (30%)

Primary focus of infection (n)


Lung: 14

Gynecologic or intra-abdominal: 12

Catheter related bloodstream infection: 4

Urinary tract: 3

Bone/joint: 3

Head/ears/nose/throat: 1

Confirmed infection (n, %):


Gram-positive bacteria: 12 (32%)

Gram-negative bacteria: 12 (32%)

Deaths* (n, %)


14 (38%)

  1. *Statistically significant feature (P <0.05). Primary Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre (ICNARC) code, acute physiology and chronic health evaluation (APACHE) and sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) scores were assessed upon admittance to the ICU (intensive care unit). All data are median (interquartile range) unless otherwise noted. CABG, coronary artery bypass surgery.