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Figure 2 | Critical Care

Figure 2

From: Clinical neurophysiological assessment of sepsis-associated brain dysfunction: a systematic review

Figure 2

Typical electroencephalogaphic (EEG) findings in patients with sepsis-associated brain dysfunction. a) Frontal intermittent rhythmic delta activity (intermittent generalized rhythmic delta activity (GRDA), frontally predominant according to the ACNS Critical Care EEG terminology): burst of bilateral symmetrical and synchronous monomorphic delta (1.5 Hz in this case) activity predominating over the frontal regions. b) Triphasic waves (generalized periodic discharges (GPDs) with triphasic morphology according to the ACNS Critical Care EEG terminology): bilateral synchronous and symmetrical discharges occurring at a periodic interval (1.5 Hz); each discharge has three phases (negative–positive–negative), the second phase has the highest amplitude and each phase is longer in duration than the previous one. c) Nonconvulsive status epilepticus: presence of generalized periodic discharges at 2 to 2.5 Hz maximal over the frontal regions; discharges have a sharp wave morphology; independent sporadic sharp waves are present over the left posterior region. d) Moderate generalized slowing (same patient as in c after administration of IV levetiracetam): disappearance of generalized periodic discharges; mixed theta-delta background. ACNS, American Clinical Neurophysiology Society.

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