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Table 1 In vitro dynamic test of cytokine adsorption by Amberchrom CG161 M resin

From: Protective effect of resin adsorption on septic plasma-induced tubular injury


Concentration (pg/ml)

Amount bound (% leakage)

(pg/ml adsorbent)

Theoretical binding capacity

(pg/ml adsorbent)


675 ± 72

4999 (5%) ± 1703

200,980 ± 53,607


331 ± 1

61,439 (5%) ± 10,459

116,842 ± 24,707


334 ± 59

35,729 (5%) ± 8149

912,776 ± 200,096


340 ± 186

322 (12%) ± 161

48,940 ± 26,089


464 ± 143

69,187 (5%) ± 31,112

972,880 ± 61,006

  1. The conditions used for the dynamic studies on Amberchrom CG161 M resin are extensively described in the Materials and Methods. Briefly, the resin columns were perfused at a low linear velocity (0.30 ml/min). The theoretical binding capacity of the resins for individual cytokines which was calculated by extrapolation of the increase in cytokine concentration at the column outlet over time only gives a rough estimation of the actual maximal binding capacity.