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Table 2 Number needed to treat with steroids to reduce reintubation and stridor in unselected, selected and overall populations

From: Effects of steroids on reintubation and post-extubation stridor in adults: meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials






NNT to prevent one reintubation episode

44 (95% CI ≥ 26 to ∞)

9 (95% CI = 7 to 19)

28 (95% CI = 20 to 61)

NNT to prevent one stridor episode

Not calculated

5 (95% CI = 4 to 8)

11 (95% CI = 8 to 42)

  1. Selected population is defined as patients at high risk of developing post-extubation stridor and reintubation in which the cuff-leak test showed absence or a low level of leak (less than 110 to 140 ml in absolute value or less than 12% to 25% in relative value).
  2. Unselected population is defined as patients included in trials that did not use the cuff-leak test to select patients.
  3. Overall population is defined as patients included in both trials that did use and did not use the cuff-leak test to selected patients (unselected+selected).
  4. The NNT was calculated only when a significant result was observed.
  5. CI = confidence interval; NNT = number needed to treat.