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Table 1 Genetic association studies of the CD14 C-159T polymorphism and infectious disease

From: Bench-to-bedside review: Association of genetic variation with sepsis






1st time MI male patients; mean age 55.9 ± 6.3 years

178 cases, 135 controls, 18 volunteers

T ↑ cases (OR 1.78)


T ↑ mCD14




TT ↑ sCD14 (P = 0.01)


Patients with severe sepsis

204 cases, 247 controls

No difference in allele f between cases and controls; no association with mortality




T ↓ binding of Sp1,2,3, TFs


Healthy blood donors

95 unstimulated blood samples

No difference in sCD14, mCD14, or TNF concentration by genotype


White septic shock patients

95 cases, 122 controls

TT ↑ in septic shock patients and associated with ↑ risk of mortality


Severely injured blunt trauma patients

58 cases, 95 controls

No difference between cases and controls


ICU patients with SIRS

77 cases, 39 controls

No association with incidence of infection or outcome


PBMCs from healthy persons stimulated with bacterial ligands


TT ↑ TNF-α mRNA levels after Escherichia coli or LPS stimulation


Healthy subjects


TT ↑ risk for Chlamydia pneumoniae infection


Very low birth weight infants


No association with development of blood-culture proven sepsis


Tuberculosis patients

267 cases, 112 controls

No association with tuberculosis or sCD14 levels


PBMCs and plasma from healthy individuals


TT ↑ mCD14


TT and CT ↑ sCD14


TT ↑ TNF-α after Chlamydia stimulation


CAD patients (78 Chlamydia positive)


T allele associated with ↑ likelihood of chronic Chlamydia infection


Acute pancreatitis

117 cases, 263 controls

No association with sCD14 or mCD14


No association with disease severity


Acute pancreatitis

77 cases, 71 controls

No association with severity of pancreatitis


ICU patients with SIRS

252 patients

TT ↑ Gram negative cultures


Critically ill Japanese patients

197 cases, 214 controls

No association with sepsis or sepsis mortality


Blood from healthy individuals


No association with cytokine release after stimulation


ICU patients in Brazil


TT ↑ survival


Term neonates cord blood cultures


CD14 -159T ↑ sCD14 in response to LPS


Children with invasive pneumococcal disease, healthy controls

85 and 409, respectively

↑ prevalence of CC genotype in patients with S. pneumoniae

  1. CAD, coronary artery disease; f, frequency; ICU, intensive care unit; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; mCD14, membrane bound CD14; MI, myocardial infarction; OR, odds ratio; PBMC, peripheral blood mononuclear cell; sCD14, soluble CD14; TF, tissue factor; TNF, tumor necrosis factor.