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Table 1 Handling of missing SOFA scores in the total sample, calibration sample, and validation sample

From: Use of dynamic microsimulation to predict disease progression in patients with pneumonia-related sepsis

Type of missing SOFA data

Interpolation and extrapolation rules used to fill in missing data

Data have never been measured

Use the baseline SOFA value for every day

Data are missing between two known values

Linearly interpolate between the values

Data are missing before the first observation

Use the baseline SOFA value for every day until the first observation

Data are missing after the last observation and the patient died

Assign the highest SOFA score (4) to the last day. Linearly interpolate between the last observation value and the last day value

Data are missing after the last observation and the patient was discharged

Assign the baseline SOFA value to the last day. Linearly interpolate between the last observation value and the last day value

Data are missing after the last observation and the patient was still in the hospital at day 30

Carry the last observation forward

  1. The total sample included 1,888 patients from the GenIMS (Genetic and Inflammatory Markers of Sepsis) Study. SOFA, Sepsis-related Organ Failure Assessment.