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Table 1 Definitions of coagulopathy in the recent trauma literature

From: Recombinant activated factor VII as an adjunctive therapy for bleeding control in severe trauma patients with coagulopathy: subgroup analysis from two randomized trials

Laboratory parameters


PT ≥1.5 N (0) 1.5–2 N (1) >2 N (2)

Mayo et al., 2004 [11]

PTT ≥1.5 N (0) 1.5–2 N (1) >2 N (2)


Plt >100 (0) 50–100 (1) ≥50 (2)


Fib >100 (0) 50–100 (1) ≥50 (2)


Total: 0 mild, 1–3 moderate, 4–8 severe


INR >1.4 or Plt <100,000 or both

Dutton et al., 2004 [9]

PT >18 seconds or PTT >60 seconds or TT >15 seconds

Brohi et al., 2003 [6]

PT >14 seconds or PTT >34 seconds

MacLeod et al., 2003 [7]

PT >15 seconds or PTT >45 seconds or Fib <100

Vaslef et al., 2002 [37]

PT or PTT twice normal

Cosgriff et al., 1997 [10]

PT or PTT >1.5–1.8 times control values

Stehling et al., 1996 [8]

Ongoing bleeding, oozing from cut surfaces, catheters, or mucous membranes

Lynn et al., 2002 [31]

  1. Fib, fibrinogen; INR, international normalized ratio; N, normal; Plt, platelet; PT, prothrombin time; PTT, partial thromboplastin time; TT, thrombin time.