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Table 2 Overview of the GRADE system for grading the quality of evidence: criteria for assigning grade of evidence

From: Evidence-based medicine: Classifying the evidence from clinical trials – the need to consider other dimensions

Criteria for assigning level of evidence

Type of evidence


   Randomized trial


   Observational study


   Any other type of research evidence

Very low

Increase level if:


   Strong association


   Very strong association


   Evidence of a dose response gradient


   Plausible confounders reduced the observed effect


Decrease level if:


   Serious or very serious limitations to study quality

(-1) or (-2)

   Important inconsistency


   Some or major uncertainty about directness

(-1) or (-2)

   Imprecise or sparse dataa


   High probability of reporting bias


  1. aFew outcome events or observations or wide confident limits around an effect estimate. Adapted from [10].