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Table 2 Time course of heart rate, MAP, ICP and the CPP for the two different treatment groups

From: Efficiency of 7.2% hypertonic saline hydroxyethyl starch 200/0.5 versus mannitol 15% in the treatment of increased intracranial pressure in neurosurgical patients – a randomized clinical trial [ISRCTN62699180]


Start infusion

Terminating infusion

+10 min

+30 min

+60 min

Heart rate, l/min


   7.2% NaCl/HES 200/0.5

76 [52–92]

78 [60–104]

77 [62–107]

78 [62–101]

79 [61–99]

   Mannitol 15%

78 [58–95]

80 [58–96]

80 [60–95]

81 [58–93]

79 [56–96]

MAP, mmHg


   7.2% NaCl/HES 200/0.5

84 [64–98]

84* [68–96]

84* [67–97]

85* [74–100]

84 [63–94]

   Mannitol 15%

84 [68–92]

85 [65–98]

83 [69–105]

81 [69–106]

82 [68–108]

ICP, mmHg


   7.2% NaCl/HES 200/0.5

22 [19–31]

15** [8–18]

12** [2–16]

10**,++ [6–14]

11**,+ [5–18]

   Mannitol 15%

23 [19–30]

14** [7–20]

13** [4–19]

12** [6–19]

14** [7–20]

CPP, mmHg


   7.2% NaCl/HES 200/0.5

60 [39–78]

72** [54–85]

72** [55–89]

75**, #[62–86]

73**, #[58–88]

   Mannitol 15%

61 [47–71]

70** [50–79]

70** [56–92]

72** [60–93]

69** [56–89]

  1. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.0001 compared with start infusion. +p < 0.0001, ++p < 0.01, #p < 0.05 between treatment regimes. HR, heart rate; CPP, cerebral perfusion pressure; ICP, intracranial pressure; MAP, mean arterial pressure.