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Table 1 Patient characteristics and baseline clinical assessments

From: Decreased duration of mechanical ventilation when comparing analgesia-based sedation using remifentanil with standard hypnotic-based sedation for up to 10 days in intensive care unit patients: a randomised trial [ISRCTN47583497]




Number of patients treated



Medical (%)/post-surgical (%)

49 (88)/7 (13)

44 (92)/4 (8)

Emergency (%)/elective (%)

27 (84)/5 (16), n = 32

21 (91)/2 (9), n = 23

Age (years)

52.2 ± 18.4

57.3 ± 18.1

Male (%)/female (%)

39 (68)/18 (32)

32 (67)/16 (33)

Height (cm)

171.2 ± 9.7

169.0 ± 7.9

Weight (kg)

78.6 ± 13.41

76.3 ± 15.50

SAPS II on admission

43.0 ± 15.6

43.3 ± 11.2

MAP (mmHg)a

88.8 ± 16.5

88.9 ± 14.8

Heart rate (b.p.m.)a

98.9 ± 20.1

95.9 ± 15.5

SAS scorea

3.3 ± 1.3

3.3 ± 1.4

PI scorea

2.0 ± 1.2

2.1 ± 1.1

  1. aBaseline values. Where errors are given, results are means± SD. MAP, mean arterial pressure; PI, pain intensity; SAS, Sedation–Agitation Scale.