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Table 2 Evidence for altered patterns of variability in illness states

From: Complex systems and the technology of variability analysis

Variability analysis





Critical care

Time domain

?HRV ??mortality risk in elderly, CAD, post-MI, CHF and dilated cardiomyopathy [14–24]

Altered frequency distribution of airway impedance in asthma [5]

Altered respiratory variability (?kurtosis) in sleep apnoea [148]


Frequency domain

Altered spectral HRV analysis?illness severity in cardiac disease (CHF [50–52], hypertension [53,54], CAD [55,56], angina [57], MI [58]) and noncardiac disease (hypovolaemia [49], chronic renal failure [59], diabetes mellitus [60], anaesthesia [61])


?Total HRV, ?LF and ?LF/HF HRV following trauma [149], sepsis and septic shock in the ICU [62,64,68,150,151] and in ER patients [63]

Power law analysis

Altered HRV power law (?HRV left shift and steeper slope) with age [84], CAD [85] and post-MI [86]

?Respiratory variability (right shift) in patients with asthma [7] ?Variability of foetal breathing with maternal alcohol intake [152]

Altered variability in gait analysis [153–155] and postural control [156] with ageing and neurological disease Altered variability of mood?psychiatric illness [157–159]

Haematological: altered leucocyte dynamics [160,161] observed in haematological disorders (e.g. cyclic neutropenia)

Altered HRV power law (?HRV left shift)??mortality risk in paediatric ICU patients [33]


Altered DFA scaling exponent?age [92], heart disease [93–96], post-ACBP [100], prearrhythmias [97], patients with sleep apnoea [98], and ?mortality risk post-MI [99]

Altered respiratory variability (?DFA scaling exponent)?age[101]


Temperature: altered temperature measurements?age[103]

?Heart rate DFA scaling exponent?septic shock[162] and procedures[61] in paediatric ICU patients


?HR ApEn?age [118], ventricular dysfunction [123], occurs prior to arrhythmias [119–121]

Greater respiratory irregularity in patients with panic disorder [136]

Altered EEG entropy with anaesthesia[132,163,164]

Endocrine: ?ApEn of GH [125,126], insulin [127,128], ACTH, GH, PRL [129,130], PTH [131]?age and/or illness

?HR ApEn?healthy individuals infused with endotoxin [124] ?TV ApEn in respiratory failure [135]

  1. ?, decreased; ?, increased; ?, is associated with; ACBP, aorto–coronary bypass procedure; ACTH, adrenocorticotrophic hormone; ApEn, approximate entropy; CAD, coronary artery disease; CHF, congestive heart failure; DFA, detrended fluctuation analysis; EEG, electroencephalogram; ER, emergency room; GH, growth hormone; HF, high frequency; HRV, heart rate variability; ICU, intensive care unit; LF, low frequency; MI, myocardial infarction; PRL, prolactin; PTH, parathyroid hormone; TV, tidal volume.