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Table Status on admission:

From: Successful treatment of refractory toxic streptococcal syndrome associated with severe lactic acidosis using a combined haemofiltration technique with a bicarbonate based replacement fluid: report of 4 consecutive cases

Haemodynamic status

Mean arterial pressure:

<52 mmHg


Wedge pressure

between 16 and 18 mmHg


Cardiac index

1.95 l/min/m2


Inotropic support


Maximal dosages of dopamine and dobutamine


{norepinephrine (mean)

1.1 μg/kg/min


{epinephrine (mean)

0.61 μg/kg/min


Arterial pH (mean)



Serum lactate (mean)

12.3 mmol/l.

Expected mortality

APACHE II: 34.1 (mean)



SAPS II: 71.5 (mean)
