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Table 1 Characteristics of 202 critically ill adults who underwent concomitant determinations of arterial blood gas and coulter counter hemoglobin concentrations

From: Use of a rapid arterial blood gas analyzer to estimate blood hemoglobin concentration among critically ill adults



Number (%) of males

132 (65.3)

Mean (SD) age (years)

64.1 (15.5)

Mean (SD) APACHE II score

20.0 (6.7)

Number (%) of patients admitted to the ICU according to specialty service


   Cardiac surgery

103 (51.0)


37 (18.3)

   Vascular surgery

24 (11.9)


12 (5.9)


11 (5.4)


15 (7.4)


202 (100.0)

Mean (SD) length of stay in the ICU (days)

3.4 (4.6)

Number (%) of patients deceased at completion of data collection

28 (13.9)

Mean (SD) hemoglobin concentration shortly after admission to the ICU (g/l)


   Coulter counter

102.9 (22.7)

   Arterial blood gas analyzer

107.2 (23.2)

   Average of both methods

105.0 (22.9)

  1. APACHE II, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II; ICU, intensive care unit; SD, standard deviation.