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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of all patients with lactate ≤ 2.00 mM

From: Even Mild Hyperlactatemia Is Associated with Increased Mortality in Critically Ill Patients


N= 2,157

Age (years), mean ± SD

55.1 ± 20.3

Gender, female, number (%)

810 (37.6)

APACHE II score, mean ± SD

22.1 ± 8.2

Admitting diagnostic category, number (%)


537 (24.9)


579 (26.8)


202 (9.4)

  Other medical illness

107 (5)

  Nonoperative trauma

244 (11.3)


488 (22.6)

Chronic comorbidities, number (%)

  Chronic liver disease

195 (9.2)

  Chronic cardiovascular disease

438 (20.6)

  Chronic respiratory disease

389 (18.3)

  Chronic renal disease

331 (15.6)

  Chronic immunocompromised

228 (10.7)

Cirrhosis, number (%)

160 (7.4)

Diabetes, number (%)

914 (42.4)

GCS, mean ± SD

10.4 ± 4.3

Sepsis, number (%)

485 (22.5)

Mechanical ventilation, number (%)

1,618 (75.0)

PaO2/FiO2 ratio, number (%)



888/2,144 (41.4)


1,256/2,144 (58.6)

Vasopressors, number (%)

915 (42.4)

Lab findings, mean ± SD

  Bilirubin (μM)*

41.0 ± 98.6

  Creatinine (μM)*

158.2 ± 162.2

  Lactate (mM)*

1.3 ± 0.4


1.4 ± 0.7

ICU LOS (days), mean ± SD

9.2 + 10.8

Hospital LOS (days), mean ± SD

52.0 ± 75.8

Mechanical ventilation duration (days), mean ± SD

7.5 ± 10.3

Tracheostomy, number (%)

403 (18.7)

RRT, number (%)

366 (17.0)

ICU mortality, number (%)

304 (14.1)

Hospital mortality, number (%)

648 (30.0)

  1. APACHE II: acute physiology and chronic health evaluation; PaO2/FiO2, the ratio of partial pressure of oxygen to the fraction of inspired oxygen; GCS, Glasgow coma scale; INR, International normalized ratio; ICU, intensive care unit; LOS, length of stay; RRT, renal replacement therapy. To convert bilirubin to mg/dl, divide by 17.1; creatinine to μg/dl, divide by 88.4; lactate to g/dl, divide by 0.111