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Table 2 Variations of the physiologic data and behavioral scores induced by an endotracheal suction (n = 40) in 34 critically ill patients

From: Pupillary reflex measurement predicts insufficient analgesia before endotracheal suctioning in critically ill patients


Before endotracheal suction

After endotracheal suction

Heart rate (bpm), mean (SD)

79 (11)

86 (10)

Mean arterial pressure (mmHg), mean (SD)

75 (5)

82 (7)

Respiratory rate (breath/min), mean (SD)

15 (1)

16 (1)

BPS, median (25-75th percentile)

3 (3-3)

4 (3-5)

RASS, median (25-75th percentile)

−5 (−5,-5)

−4 (−5, -4)

  1. Comparison between before and after endotracheal suction (Wilcoxon rank sum test) was significant for all data (P <0.001). Bpm, beats per minute, BPS Behavioral Pain Scale, RASS Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale, SD standard deviation.