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Table 1 General characteristics (n= 34)

From: Pupillary reflex measurement predicts insufficient analgesia before endotracheal suctioning in critically ill patients



Age (yr), mean (SD)

56 (19)

Sex ratio male/female, n (%)

22/12 (64.7/35.3)

Body mass index (kg/m2), mean (SD),

24.7 (4.4)

Simplified Acute Physiology Score II mean (SD)

29 (13)

Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score, median (25-75th percentile)

3 (1-4)

McCabe Scale, n (%)



26 (76.5)


7 (20.6)


1 (2.9)

Reasons for hospitalization, n (%)



17 (50)

 Traumatic brain injury 

6 (17.7)


5 (14.7)

 Multiple trauma 

5 (14.7)


1 (2.9)

Sedatives/opioids during the procedure, n (%):



15 (44)


19 (56)

  1. n number of patients, % percentage of patients. SD standard deviation.