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From: Do beta-adrenergic drugs increase microcirculatory blood flow in the gut in sepsis?






Drug dosage

1 µg/kg/min

2 µg/kg/min

5 µg/kg/min

10 µg/kg/min

Mean arterial pressure (mmHg)

70 ± 4.6

71 ± 4.3

70 ± 4.3

66 ± 3.6

Cardiac index (% of baseline)

119 ± 4.3-

135 ± 5.7-

124 ± 4.7-

148 ± 6.4-

Superior mesenteric artery flow (%)

115 ± 5.7*

119 ± 6.0-

104 ± 3.0

103 ± 4.8

MBF in the gastric mucosa (%)

105 ± 1.7

111 ± 3.3-

103 ± 2.0

101 ± 4.2

MBF in the jejunal mucosa (%)

92 ± 5.4

98 ± 5.7

105 ± 4.3

97 ± 3.2

MBF in the colonic mucosa (%)

103 ± 2.1

102 ± 2.7

101 ± 2.2

99 ± 3.9