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Table 4 Differences in parameters likely to trigger renal replacement therapy (RRT) on reaching maximum RIFLE class between patients with and without RRT (whole cohort).

From: Efficacy of renal replacement therapy in critically ill patients: a propensity analysis


Patients with RRT

N= 545

Patients without RRT

N= 2301

P value

Urea (mmol/L)

20 [14-28]

14 [10-20]

< 0.001

Creatinine (mmol/L)

305 [231-408]

178 [143-247]

< 0.001

Potassium (mmol/L)

4.3 [3.8-5.1]

4.2 [3.7-4.7]

< 0.001


7.34 [7.24-7.43]

7.36 [7.27-7.44]



7 [4-10]

5 [2-7]

< 0.001


49 [38-62]

41 [32-53]

< 0.001

Urine output (L)

0.4 [0.1-1.1]

1.3 [0.6-2.3]

< 0.001

Fluid accumulation (L)

4 [2-8]

2 [0-4]

< 0.001

  1. Results are expressed as medians and [interquartile range]. SOFA, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment; mSOFA, SOFA - specific renal component; SAPS, Simplified Acute Physiology Score.