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Table 3 Crude outcomes among patients undergoing non-clinical transfer compared with propensity-matched patients not undergoing transfer

From: Effect of non-clinical inter-hospital critical care unit to unit transfer of critically ill patients: a propensity-matched cohort analysis


Non-clinical transfer patients (n= 759)

Propensity-matched patients not undergoing transfer (n= 1,518)

Ultimate acute hospital mortality

223 (29.4%)

471 (31.0%)

Ultimate critical care unit mortality

162 (21.3%)

345 (22.7%)

Total critical care unit length of stay (days)

11.0 (16.9)/6 (2 to 14)

7.8 (9.7)/4 (2 to 9)

Acute hospital length of stay (days)

29.8 (36.4)/19 (9 to 37)

26.9 (33.8)/16 (7 to 33)

  1. Crude outcomes among patients undergoing a non-clinical transfer within 48 hours of admission to critical care compared with propensity matched patients not undergoing transfer. Data presented as n (%) or mean (standard deviation)/median (interquartile range).