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Table 1 Organ support categories as defined by critical care minimum data set, January 2006

From: An observational study to determine the effect of delayed admission to the intensive care unit on patient outcome

Basic respiratory support

More than 50% oxygen delivered by face mask

Close observation due to potential for acute deterioration

Physiotherapy or suction to clear secretions at least two hourly

Patients recently extubated after a prolonged period of intubation and mechanical ventilation

Mask CPAP or non-invasive ventilation

ETT but no support

Advanced respiratory support

Invasive mechanical ventilatory support

BiPAP or CPAP applied via a tracheal tube

Extracorporeal respiratory support

Basic cardiovascular support

Treatment of circulatory instability due to hypovolaemia

Use of a CVP line

Use of an arterial line

Single intravenous vasoactive drug

Intravenous drugs to control cardiac arrhythmias

Non-invasive measurement of cardiac output

Advanced cardiovascular support

Multiple intravenous vasoactive and/or rhythm controlling drugs

Patients resuscitated after cardiac arrest where intensive therapy is considered clinically appropriate

Observation of cardiac output and derived indices

Intra aortic balloon pumping

Insertion of a temporary cardiac pacemaker

Placement of a gastrointestinal tonometer

Renal support

Acute renal replacement therapy

  1. CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure; CVP, central venous pressure; ETT. endo-tracheal tube; BiPAP, bi-level positive airway pressure