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Table 2 Correlation between blood glucose level and various parameters on ICU admission

From: Correlation between high blood IL-6 level, hyperglycemia, and glucose control in septic patients

Glucose level (mg/dl)

Overall (n= 153)

Diabetes (n= 41)

Nondiabetes (n= 112)

vs. age (years)

0.06 (0.47)

0.29 (0.06)

0.02 (0.81)

vs. APACHE II score

0.25 (0.01)

0.28 (0.07)

0.25 (0.01)

vs. SOFA score

0.09 (0.28)

0.09 (0.57)

0.06 (0.56)

vs. lactate (mg/dl)

0.03 (0.79)

0.02 (0.89)

0.08 (0.53)

vs. White blood cells (/mm3)

0.01 (0.92)

0.13 (0.40)

0.12 (0.23)

vs. C-reactive protein (mg/dl)

0.14 (0.09)

0.26 (0.10)

0.03 (0.79)

vs. IL-6 (pg/ml)

0.24 (0.01)

0.06 (0.62)

0.42 (< 0.01)

  1. Data expressed as correlation coefficient (P value). Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficients were calculated. APACHE, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation; SOFA: Sequential Organ Failure Assessment.