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Figure 1 | Critical Care

Figure 1

From: Disseminated intravascular coagulation or acute coagulopathy of trauma shock early after trauma? An observational study

Figure 1

Correlations between fibrinogen or FXIII and different biomarkers in ACoTS or non-ACoTS patients. Correlations between fibrinogen (A-D) or FXIII (E-H) and biomarkers of tissue damage (hcDNA), thrombin generation (PF1.2, TAT) and fibrinolysis (D-dimer) on admission in 80 trauma patients stratified according to presence (ACoTS) or absence (no ACoTS) of ACoTS defined as APTT or INR above normal reference (n = 12). Rho and P-values are shown for correlations between fibrinogen or FXIII and the mentioned variables in patients with ACoTS (black circles, filled lines) or without ACoTS (white circles, dashed lines): A) log10 hcDNA (%) vs. fibrinogen (g/l), B) log10 PF1.2 (nmol/l) vs. fibrinogen (g/l), C) Log10 TAT (ng/ml) vs. fibrinogen (g/l), D) Log10 D-dimer (ng/ml) vs. fibrinogen (g/l), E) log10 hcDNA (%) vs. FXIII (microg/ml), F) log10 PF1.2 (nmol/l) vs. FXIII (microg/ml), G) Log10 TAT (ng/ml) vs. FXIII (microg/ml), H) Log10 D-dimer (ng/ml) vs. FXIII (microg/ml).

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