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Table 2 ROTEM® data on arrival at the emergency room

From: FIBTEM provides early prediction of massive transfusion in trauma


non-MT group

(<10 RBC units/24 hours)

MT group

(≥10 RBC units/24 hours)


n = 245

n = 78

P -value



CT (sec)

67 (56 to 90)

91 (73 to 129)


CFT (sec)

116 (92 to 148)

189 (128 to 264)


A10 (mm)

48 (42 to 54)

37 (29 to 46)


MCF (mm)

57 (51 to 62)

48 (41 to 55)


LI60 (%)

92 (88 to 95)

92 (88 to 96)




CT (sec)

147 (133 to 167)

179 (148 to 220)


CFT (sec)

85 (68 to 109)

163 (111 to 254)


A10 (mm)

50 (43 to 55)

37 (31 to 47)


MCF (mm)

57 (53 to 62)

48 (41 to 56)


LI60 (%)

93 (90 to 95)

91 (73 to 94)




A10 (mm)

9 (6 to 12)

4 (0 to 6)


MCF (mm)

11 (7 to 14)

5 (0 to 7)


Platelet component



120 (95 to 148)

89 (68 to 114)


  1. Data are presented as median and interquartile range. Groups were compared using the Kruskal-Wallis test. A10, clot amplitude 10 minutes after CT; CFT, clot formation time; CT, clotting time; EXTEM, extrinsically activated thromboelastometric test; FIBTEM, extrinsically activated thromboelastometric test with cytochalasin D; INTEM, intrinsically activated thromboelastometric test; LI60, lysis index 60 minutes after CT; MCE, maximum clot elasticity; MCF, maximum clot firmness; MT, massive transfusion; n, number of patients; non-MT, non-massive transfusion; ns, not significant; RBC, red blood cell concentrate.