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Table 2 Univariate analysis of patient outcomes by severity of dysphagia

From: Postextubation dysphagia is persistent and associated with poor outcomes in survivors of critical illness


None (n= 72)

Mild (n= 195)

Moderate or severe (n= 179)

P value

Hospital days after BSEa

5 [3 to 8]

7 [5 to 12]

8 [5 to 15]


Discharge to homea,b

54 (75)

100 (51)

69 (39)


Dysphagia at dischargea-c

0 (0)

33 (17)

98 (55)


Kept NPOa-c

0 (0)

29 (15)

132 (74)


Surgical feeding tubea,c

0 (0)

10 (5)

26 (15)


Pneumonia, reintubation and deatha,c,d

4 (6)

22 (11)

49 (27)


  1. BSE = bedside swallow evaluation; NPO = no oral intake. Data are presented as n (%) or medians [25th to 75th percentiles]. aP < 0.05 for comparison of moderate or severe dysphagia to no dysphagia after Bonferroni correction. bP < 0.05 for comparison of mild to no dysphagia after Bonferroni correction. cP < 0.05 for comparison of moderate or severe dysphagia to mild dysphagia after Bonferroni correction. dOutcome data for pneumonia, reintubation and death are composite totals.