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Table 3 Data compiled from human studies in inflammation and sepsis

From: Clinical review: Adiponectin biology and its role in inflammation and critical illness





Yokota et al. [34]

In vitro studies of human myeloid cell lines show that adiponectin is a negative regulator of myelomonocytic progenitor growth and downregulates the inflammatory response


Keller et al. [54]

Following induction of endotoxaemia in healthy humans, there was no significant alteration in adiponectin levels (healthy subjects n = 23: 4 females, 19 males)


Tsuchihashi et al. [59]

In vitro studies of recombinant human adiponectin and reconstituted LPS show that adiponectin binds LPS and suppresses LAL


Anderson et al. [55]

No significant alteration in adiponectin levels in endotoxaemia, but downregulation of adiponectin receptor mRNA in white cells (healthy subjects n = 20, 50% male)


Jernås et al. [63]

Lower levels of adiponectin during intensive care stay compared with recovery (subarachnoid haemorrhage n = 8)


Venkatesh et al. [64]

Lower levels of adiponectin in critically ill cohort, with a strong association between plasma cortisol and adiponectin and an inverse correlation between adiponectin and CRP (critically ill n = 20; historical controls n = 16)


Langouche et al. [65]

Lower levels of circulating adiponectin in ICU patients on admission; these levels increased to normal reference values during the ICU stay. Intensive insulin therapy increased the rise of adiponectin over time in ICU. Critically ill n = 318, healthy subjects n = 22, acutely stressed subjects n = 22


Kaplan et al. [69]

Increased levels of HMW adiponectin on day 1 in paediatric septic shock cohort (SIRS/sepsis n = 22, septic shock n = 25, control n = 27)


Hillenbrand et al. [58]

Lower levels of adiponectin in septic patients with negative correlation with SOFA scores (septic shock n = 33, control (blood donors) n = 60, morbidly obese n = 37)


Walkey et al. [68]

Higher levels of adiponectin at baseline associated with increased 28-day mortality (acute respiratory failure n = 175)

  1. CRP, C-reactive protein; HMW, high-molecular weight; LAL, limulus amoebocyte lysate; LPS, lipopolysaccharidase; SIRS, systemic inflammatory response syndrome; SOFA, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment.