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Table 1 Basal characteristics of the patients (N = 117, median (IQR))

From: Hormonal responses upon return of spontaneous circulation after cardiac arrest: a retrospective cohort study

Gender, M, n (%)

84 (71.8)

Age (yr)

52(44 to 64)

BLS time (minutes)

5 (2 to 10)

Arrest time (minutes)

36 (21 to 51)

Epinephrine (mg)

3 (2 to 8)

HTN, yes, n (%)

33 (28.2)

DM, yes, n (%)

13 (11.1)


23 (20 to 27)


10 (8 to 11)

Lactate (mmol/L)

8.7 (6.6 to 11.8)

Cortisol, basal (μg/dL)

24.91 (15.00 to 37.36)

Cortisol, 30 minutes (μg/dL)

28.73 (22.71 to 40.19)

Cortisol, 60 minutes (μg/dL)

29.56 (23.49 to 42.76)

RAI, Yes, n (%)

49 (41.9%)

ACTH (pg/mL)

5.40 (1.24 to 23.94)

ADH (pg/mL)

22.11 (12.42 to 35.19)

Survivors, at 1 wk

87 (74.4%)

Survivors, at 1 mo

65 (55.6%)

CPC, good, n (%)

35 (29.9%)

  1. ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone; ADH, antidiuretic hormone, vasopressin; APACHE, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation; BLS, basic life support; CPC, cerebral performance category (good CPC: 1 to 2, poor CPC: 3 to 5).
  2. DM, diabetes mellitus; HTN, hypertension; SOFA, The Sequential Organ Failure Assessment; RAI, relative adrenal insufficiency.